The Languages of Social Media and why social media translation rocks

Last Updated On: November 27, 2023

inTranslation Trends

Translation & Social MediaSocial media sites are today’s communication without the need for verbal expression. Snippets of information about anything and everything are passed between users ranging from the birth of a new child to the purchasing of a product. Inadvertently, social media users are advertising machines for products or services that have been purchased and are either great or terrible. Whatever information is posted can be passed on like wildfire to anyone who happens to be linked to that communicator.

You may be thinking that all this flow of information is taking place in English – but it’s not. Here are some reasons why this is so.


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    • Facebook MembersThe Facebook membership amounts to more than 800 million users globally. The US takes quite a large proportion of this but Portuguese-speaking countries such as Brazil have 48 million members while India is represented by more than 46 million users and even Indonesia which has barely a foot in the Western world boasts a membership of at least 42 million
    • Facebook-languagesDiscussions in many different languages on Facebook are going on constantly around the world.
    • TwitterIt’s not only Facebook that’s a buzz in cloud communications but Twitter is a close second closing up on its ranks with Twitter of more than 29 million in Japan and 23 million in the UK and 19 million Indonesians can’t stop tweeting too.
    • Facebook and TwitterWhy is all this impersonal communication so important? There are a number of reasons, especially from the business perspective. It’s a way that a business can spread the news about its great products. It only takes one satisfied customer and the news is passed through the Facebook and Twitter ranks. However, there is one drawback to a business participating in this and that is what language should be used.
    • FB-BannerThere are more than 33 million Mexican Spanish-speaking Facebook followers waiting to spend their pesos on a product they glimpsed on Facebook but they don’t know how to order it because the information is in English. This is where the business needs a Social Media Translation. You can’t forget the millions of Indonesians and Indians who also spotted the product but can’t spend their rupiahs or rupees because they don’t know how to order.
    • social-media-smThere is no better reason than getting a social media translation for your product in Bahasa Indonesia, Spanish, and Hindi and you may become a millionaire as those orders pour in. It’s an opportunity lost if you don’t take advantage of social media translation before it’s too late and a competitor beats you to it.

    Looking for Expert Social Media Translation?

    Navigating the complexities of social media in multiple languages requires professional expertise. Connect with our team at Aussie Translations for top-notch social media translation services. Our skilled translators ensure your message resonates with global audiences, maintaining its original tone and intent. Contact us today to enhance your social media outreach with accurate and culturally relevant translations.

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