
Both Writing and Revising are All Important for a Professional Translation

by ZircoDATA Marketing
Professional Translator

Professional translators are always in demand, especially when all of a sudden someone who does not speak the language of a seller or buyer turns up wanting to engage in business. A professional document translation may be needed in just about any field from the education industry to legal processes for a business. Once the translator has completed the initial translation it is important for it to be revised by an independent expert in the two languages.

An accurate translation comes first

So as to reinforce effective communication, it’s necessary to hire professional translation services that are both efficient and reliable. The most important part of any translation is superb accuracy that deploys the right meaning. Even miscommunication for a small business can mean a substantial loss when it comes to cash gain and client loyalty. Most companies whether small or big want to be able to maintain their reputation but poor translations could mean clients from other languages may lose confidence in both the product and the company. This means hiring the most efficient and expert translator to perform the writing of the initial translation.

What happens when a translated document goes through the revision process?

When a professional translation is completed it is reviewed and revised by a translator who is highly experienced in his or her language field. The translation expert makes a comparison between the untranslated document and the newly translated text. Certain experts are picked to undertake the translation to ensure there are no logical or technical errors in the newly translated document. They are fully acquainted with any industry practice updates so that the appropriate wording is used in the translation too.
The process of revising a translation takes place in a number of steps which starts with a basic revision of the translation, then the reviewer goes passed that and studies the translation in greater detail. For this process a translator from a specific educational and academic background is hired so that accuracy and precision in the translation is completed.

Once the translation has been completed and all are satisfied it could take the business a step further in its goal of targeting and gaining new customers.