Top Translation Trends for the Next 12 Months

Last Updated On: April 20, 2018

inTranslation Trends

Translations Trends 2018

One of the more surprising translation trends for 2018, which is expected to accelerate in the coming 12 months, is the demand for e-learning programmes in order to learn new languages. E-learning facilitates flexible learning programmes so the translation of several top e-learning courses into many languages is becoming a trend these days.

There are other trends that are likely to accelerate in the near future and these include the following:

Machine translation will increase

Many organizations have begun to develop tools that are based on translation machine learning. These include tools like the better known “translation memory” and one that Google has recently released which is capable of undertaking the translation in many different languages with far greater efficiency and ease.


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    Video translation set to increase

    More and more videos are appearing through social media sites, as advertising material and for e-learning course programmes. As these translation trends for 2018 grow, so will the need to translate the video material so that it can be understood by a greater number of viewers.

    Translation apps growing in importance

    Many companies these days don’t just base their operations in one country but they are often spread over wide language areas. This means key personnel may not necessarily speak fluently the company’s native language. Communication facilitated by translation apps will in the end increase the level of understanding on key areas of the company or organization.

    Multilingual courses are on the rise

    Connecting with the global customer doesn’t just take place through translations and interpretations, but increasingly people are interested in being able to speak another global key language apart from their own. The only way this can be achieved successfully is by participating in a course that teaches the sought after language.

    Translating between languages is likely to become more of the norm

    Few businesses these days aren’t so arrogant that they expect customers overseas to understand their own language. As a result, translating advertising and product information into many languages is a trend today that’s likely to grow and grow. That’s not poor quality translations from free online tools but serious reliable translations from reputable translation companies. There are many serious top-notch translation services available today that are focused on providing quality translations at affordable prices which are likely to reap generous returns. They use language experts and translators who are truly professional and do all that is required to get the best translation.

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