Key Steps in the Localisation Process

Last Updated On: October 16, 2023

inTranslation Skills

Localisation Process

What is the Localisation Process?

Localisation is a process of modifying, adapting, and restructuring website content for a target audience in a different language. Translation is just one part of the process as you also must ensure the original meaning, intention, and vision of the content still aligns with your brand, as well considering the local values of the targeted group. Localisation is all about making a website feel like it has been written with a particular audience in mind. The localisation process covers all aspects of this content transformation. 

8 Steps in the Localisation Process

1. Determine your localisation strategy

This means analyzing your target market so that you can see how to localise your service or product so that the end product is accepted and understood by your expected audience. You will need to decide on what services, tools, and platforms you intend to use for the localization process. Making these decisions will help you get your localization strategy right the first time.

2. Hire a professional localisation team

When you have completed your localisation strategy you will know what professionals you will need to employ and cooperate with so that all the work tasks can be completed successfully. The professionals you will need include the following:


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    Developers will play a key role in updating and managing the translated messages so that they can be displayed correctly in-app. Translators who have the skills to convey your global brand message. Designers who are used to help keep your design code and keep it consistent and intact across many different languages and the marketers who will promote your brand to your intended local market. ‍

    3. Choose the best localisation tools

    Most localisation teams will use a translation management system (TMS) that optimizes their workflow. It’s software you can use that automates and streamlines your tasks from the creation of the content to its publication. The best TMS is simple, scalable, and easily accessible to your localisation team members. 

    4. Extract and manage the content that needs localisation

    This is the parts of your product or service that are to be localised. The extraction process can be completed automatically by your chosen TMS.

    5. Translation of the content

    Depending on the type of business niche and its content such as whether is it scientific or technical, etc, you will need to find translators who are experts in that particular field. 

    6. Undertake quality control and make revisions

    Once the text is translated it needs to be checked for quality. This includes checking grammar, style, syntax, and tone. You will need also to evaluate the cultural appropriateness of the new localised content. You should start with editing and proofreading and when completed review the final copy for cultural sensitivity. If you are able to identify a problem in the new translation it should be corrected immediately. The last review of the localised content should be done thoroughly as poor-quality translations will turn customers away from your business’s product and reduce the credibility of your prized brand.

    7. Prepare the new localized content for immediate publication

    An important part of this process is making sure that your content’s format is consistent with the original text and layout.

    8. Time to launch the localised product

    This is the time to act quickly so you can get your newly localised product out on the market so benefits can be reaped for the time and energy you have spent on the localisation process.


    Localisation cannot be avoided in this competitive world. If you want your product to be the envy of competitors you shouldn’t avoid beginning the localisation process today.

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