
How Multilingual Content Can Benefit Your E-Commerce Business

by ZircoDATA Marketing
November 23, 2021
E-Commerce Business

In today’s constantly evolving economy eCommerce continues to go from strength to strength and the predictions are that it’s likely to increase in popularity over coming years as more and more buyers trust purchasing online.

It is not much of a surprise that 9 out of 10 internet users prefer to access websites in their own languages. Therefore, product marketing for a business should be highly specific and targeted and should showcase its marketing content in the languages of the targeted customers.

As the IT industry grows throughout the world there is increased pressure on businesses to offer an e-commerce multilingual website. Businesses have a competitive advantage with an e-commerce translation. It boosts customer numbers as it is more attractive to read for those who speak the targeted languages. 

For your company to succeed with an e-commerce marketing campaign, you must target specific traffic. These are the browsers who really want to buy products and are actively seeking suitable products with just the right price tag. You can attract this group if you get your product website translated into their language. In particular, internet users are far more likely to spend a lot more time just browsing a website that has been adapted to suit their needs. This is likely to result in increased sales and returning customers.

Competitive advantage for e-commerce translation

English is not the best language for e-commerce. It is a fact that 70% of online customers don’t speak English as their main language so establishing an e-commerce multilingual website that can be understood by thousands or even millions of global online customers offers a competitive advantage over businesses who don’t translate their websites at all. It helps to deal with some of the language issues in e-commerce Research indicates that owning a multilingual website means that foreign customers who find the website are more likely to remain on it if they can understand the language. As a result, your website is more likely to get you more sales and higher revenue for your business.

Cost-effective marketing tactics

When you adapt your website to be multi-lingual, your brand will become known as an e-commerce business that is customer-focused. In the end, you will find a multilingual website is a cost-effective marketing tactic with a favourable ROI. As the cost of developing a multilingual website is much the same as a unilingual website you don’t need to develop separate websites, so establishing your brand for the global market is a cost-effective choice.

Better SEO with a multilingual website

Google isn’t the main search engine in all countries but you need to be able to access the customers who use their own search engines. You will only do this if you have transformed your website to be multilingual as it is more likely to show up in searches conducted by native language search engines. When providing multilingual choices on your business’s website, the chance that you will be viewed through the use of other search engines is at least double that if you hadn’t used the best language for e-commerce. 

An e-commerce business needs to be able to attract customers in different ways than a business that doesn’t just do business online. Creating a multilingual website is just one of those tactics that can be used to get a competitive edge which is also cost-effective because it can reach such large audiences.

Your global customers will believe your brand is a superior product if you have gone to the trouble of providing your product’s marketing material in many languages.  Your customers will trust your business if you offer them what they require in the languages they can speak well.  


In summary, converting your business’s unilingual website so that it is a multilingual one will take your business on to the international stage. If the tools you use are right and you familiarize yourself with different countries’ rules and regulations when marketing and selling products on an e-commerce website you will reap the rewards from increased sales.  

By targeting non-English speakers globally, spending on a reputable translation service that guarantees to provide the best quality translations is the key to success.  As long as your business has a clear vision for the future translating a website won’t be a prohibitive cost. More important is that the real question in the digital age is whether you can really afford not to market to a target audience that is linguistically diverse

Aussie Translations is a translation company that offers the best in eCommerce translation by developing a dual-purpose multilingual e-commerce website that will attract customers from throughout the world.