Are Project Managers Necessary for Translation?

Last Updated On: July 12, 2017

inTranslation Tips

Project Managers for Translation

Depending on the size of the translation business it will depend on whether it has the budget to take on both an accounts manager and a project manager. Both these jobs are important to every business. The accounts manager has to know what Australian document translation projects are underway so that invoices can be calculated and sent out to clients. A smaller translation services business in Australia may have a project manager who has the expertise to undertake both project management work and calculate the cost of translation services and bill the clients accordingly.


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    A project manager should have expertise in translation and will be able to check to ensure the requirements from clients have been met such as the level of linguistic complexity and word count. It is also important to make sure the translator chosen to take on a translation job is the most suitably qualified for the job.

    Project manager duties

    With a large translation project, the project manager will need to be involved in finding resources such as skilled translators to ensure the job suits the clients’ requirements perfectly. Once the translation project is underway there might be additions to the project such as translating product information into an additional language so the project manager will have to locate another suitable translator.

    Sometimes in a particularly large translation project, the client may appear with another document to be included in the project. The project manager will have to keep up to date with these types of changes so that the translators get the payment for the work and the client gets invoiced correctly. If there is an accounts manager working for the translation company he or she will need to know about any project changes so that adjustments can be made accordingly.

    The success of an Australian document translation business is all about offering a customer focused service which means paying attention to detail and ensuring the customer comes first. A good project manager will have the ability to manage a number of projects at the same time without sacrificing quality or deserting the customer.

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